Welcome to my blog

In my blog you'll find wedding tips, info about venues, and galleries from recent weddings.

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The titles of my blogs are always my couple’s names but I really tossed up the idea of putting Lottie’s name in there too. Cassie and Nathan just adore their wee princess – she is the most loved and celebrated wee lady, and the way she looks at her parents is pure adoration. More and […]

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There’s something about the beach in winter that clears out the cobwebs and invigorates you. It certainly wasn’t warm for Gemma and Josh’s engagement shoot but they were up for the challenge, and look at these photos – you’d never know how cold it was! I didn’t even notice the temperature until I got back […]

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These two were on opposite sides of the world when a mutual friend introduced them, then there were the Skype dates, flying around Europe to see each other, and now they’re engaged! Emma and David have an adorable love story to tell. Just before they left NZ to move to the UK for the year we caught […]

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Come and meet two very fun people who are getting married next year. Michelle and Ferg are a fabulous couple and I had so many laughs during their engagement shoot. I’ve gotta be honest, my favourite part was probably when Michelle’s special engagement jeans split and we had to make an emergency outfit change. Lucky Michelle had reserves, she’s […]

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