In my blog you'll find wedding tips, info about venues, and galleries from recent weddings.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!
A DIY masterpiece – Brooke and Aidan’s big day was a celebration of all things family and homegrown. Eucalyptus foraged from the farm was used as a bouquet, and it smelt divine. The farm was a goldmine of beautiful spots for photos! The old farmhouse was a delight to work in – big window seats […]
It’s a funny thing to be writing this blog in September, when Jagger was born in May. This wee man is the most handsome little four-month-old man you’d ever see now. Last month, I was called to Southland Hospital’s maternity ward for a different reason. In the room next to this one, I photographed a […]
When you’re a shearer, you only get the rainy days off work. Caitlin and JB split their time working in woolsheds between Southland and Western Australia. These two are due to fly out in a few weeks, and won’t be back for months, so we had to make the most of a rainy day off […]
Until the terrible wind and rain of this week, we’ve had a beautiful autumn, and Eilish and Jono took advantage with an engagement shoot on the beach. It was such a warm Southland evening, and we kept shooting until the sun went down. Fortrose is a special spot for these two, and they spend lots […]
Rachel and Josh timed their engagement shoot for the night of their celebratory party, so they were looking amazing for the photos. These two are getting married in Wanaka next summer and I can’t wait!
It’s a rare but exciting day when the stars align like this. I wasn’t expecting that to be the case with Alice’s maternity shoot – the sky was black and I had my wipers flying across my windscreen as I drove to meet her. The drive from Riverton towards Tuatapere is stunning and the coastline is rugged. I […]