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In my blog you'll find wedding tips, info about venues, and galleries from recent weddings.

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These two are an absolute delight to be around. Their love is so strong and they’re crazy about each other. It’s exactly as it should be! And you guys, possibly for the first time in my career, the groom said he was happy to take more photos because he was enjoying the day so much! […]

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These two were on opposite sides of the world when a mutual friend introduced them, then there were the Skype dates, flying around Europe to see each other, and now they’re engaged! Emma and David have an adorable love story to tell. Just before they left NZ to move to the UK for the year we caught […]

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Jess and Steve’s engagement session was full of laughter, sunshine, and love. I’ve known Jess for a wee while through mutual friends so I was really looking forward to meeting Steve. It was a warm December evening when we caught up for this photo shoot up at Anderson’s Park near Invercargill and I couldn’t get […]

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